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鈴木教師訓練制度介紹 |
鈴木學生檢定考試制度介紹 |
TSA鈴木交流音樂會介紹 |
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Dear Suzuki Friends in Taiwan, |
I would like to congratulate all of the wonderful young musicians who will play today in the Taiwan Suzuki Association Annual Friendship Concert. Preparing for a concert takes a lot of time, patience and work! It requires being dedicated to excellence and of course, as Dr. Suzuki wrote, ”a beautiful heart”. Thanks also to the fine teachers of the Taiwan Suzuki Association for their outstanding work in preparing the students for the concert and to all of the parents who provide love, support and encouragement. You are the other sides of the “Suzuki Triangle”, and are essential part of today’s performance. On behalf of Suzuki teachers across Canada, I send you best wishes for today’s concert. I wish I could hear you perform today! As Dr. Suzuki wrote,” The ability to feel music means understanding the human heart”. How marvelous it is that there are Suzuki students all over the world, working in the spirit of Dr. Suzuki’s vision. Have a wonderful concert! Sincerely,
自2005年加入TSA,參與2006年鈴木交流音樂會四科實行委員會並與大提琴科負責人寺田義彥老師、小提琴科負責人林亮均老師、鋼琴科負責人牛語瑩老師、大會委員長柯雅雯老師、顧問張藹林老師共事,共同努力達成目標,是獲得最大的收穫。與大家共事的過程中體認每位老師認真致力於教務心無旁騖地嚴守教學本分,謙遜誠懇的處事,愛護共事的同伴,以成就整體為目標而團結的精神等等,無論是教學或是待人接物的態度都非常值得學習,讓人有如沐春風的感觸,更讓人覺得若是在初進協會的當時就與這幾位老師相熟會是何其幸福的事。 黃 怡萍