Dear Suzuki Friends in Taiwan,

I would like to congratulate all of the wonderful young musicians who will play today in the Taiwan Suzuki Association Annual Friendship Concert. Preparing for a concert takes a lot of time, patience and work! It requires being dedicated to excellence and of course, as Dr. Suzuki wrote, ”a beautiful heart”.

Thanks also to the fine teachers of the Taiwan Suzuki Association for their outstanding work in preparing the students for the concert and to all of the parents who provide love, support and encouragement. You are the other sides of the “Suzuki Triangle”, and are essential part of today’s performance.

On behalf of Suzuki teachers across Canada, I send you best wishes for today’s concert. I wish I could hear you perform today! As Dr. Suzuki wrote,” The ability to feel music means understanding the human heart”. How marvelous it is that there are Suzuki students all over the world, working in the spirit of Dr. Suzuki’s vision.

Have a wonderful concert!

David Gerry

中華民國鈴木音樂才能教育協會(TSA) 長笛顧問





中華民國鈴木音楽才能教育協會(TSA) 大提琴顧問/名譽顧問

Congratulations upon the 2007 Suzuki Method Friendship Concert hosted by TSA

I wish to extend my heartiest congratulations upon the holding of this grandeur concert at the Zhongshan Hall today.

It will have been ten years as of January 2008 since Dr. Shinichi Suzuki passed away. There are a fewer people nowadays who actually remember Dr. Suzuki in his active days. However, the method established by Dr. Suzuki and his philosophy have been inspiring many countries.

Dr. Suzuki’s achievement in music education is often appraised as revolutionary, but it is not limited to methods in how to play instruments. He advocated that giving children instruments to learn from an early age, and preparing right environment to listen to good music are essential for nurturing children. And it is reported that, having introduced the same music education program as such in Venezuela, it has been successful in controlling juvenile delinquency by changing lives of many underprivileged and at-risk youths in the process of learning music.

Recently, TSA students are continuously talked about all over Taiwan for their excellence in studies, to say nothing of their music abilities. This is the proof that making efforts for higher level of performance develops abilities such as endurance, concentration, memory, and cooperation. Dr. Suzuki wished to nurture all children to be worthy human beings, and TSA is soundly inheriting his philosophy. Today’s concert is its outcome. I am very grateful and happy that my students from Japan can share this wonderful occasion, thank you very much.

Yoshihiko Terada,
Vice President of NPO Cello Ensemble Society
Cello Instructor of TERI



自1994年社團法人中華民國鈴木音樂才能教育協會(TSA)成立至今已屆滿12年,要感謝的人員眾多:感謝林淑容名譽理事長草創TSA; 感謝林亮均老師與黃怡萍老師協助TSA秘書處,使TSA會務順暢; 感謝小提琴科張藹林老師,堅決不為利益與權位,默默的為TSA奉獻, 這是並非所有相關者都能付諸實現的行為 。感謝大提琴科 寺田義彥老師、小提琴科 林亮均老師、鋼琴科 牛語瑩老師、長笛科黃怡萍老師以義工方式擔任2006年度TSA各科活動負責人推動TSA的各項會務;感謝國際鈴木協會(ISA)自1995年開始指派鈴木鎮一博士唯一指定國際鋼琴師訓指導者之鋼琴科平田美知老師以及小提琴、大提琴、長笛四科國際師訓教師來臺,特地為TSA制定四科鈴木教師培訓制度及學生檢定制度,使TSA四科教師們能夠持續的接受師訓,增進學習鈴木教學法的機會。在過去,臺灣TSA 為實踐鈴木精神中的師弟關係,每年邀請平田老師與寺田老師等優秀的師訓指導者前來臺灣賦予研習者最優秀的學習環境,使研習生受到耳濡目染,真切地感受人與人之間最真誠的互動關係,相互成長


2006年協奏曲音樂會及鈴木交流音樂會看到TSA孩子們平日用心努力不懈的練琴的成果,即使是初學的孩子演奏,也能欣賞到他們的美音及雅姿。對於初學孩子的父母而言,難免會經歷辛苦、挫折的過程,但依循鈴木先生所強調的「不急、不休息、不放棄」, 「父母的笑容即是孩子的笑容」,就能因而感受其「愛的愈深,成事愈大」之深意。



中華民國鈴木音樂才能教育協會 TSA 副理事長/鋼琴科指導者





黃 怡萍
中華民國鈴木音樂才能教育協會 TSA 長笛指導者
前美國鈴木協會 SAA 鈴木長笛指導者